Meet the Directors!

HMUN Australia 2024 Directors

  • Fred Larsen

    Fred Larsen is a Senior at Harvard College studying Government with a secondary in Music. He is originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Fred is a student of political philosophy, and is currently writing a thesis on the role of Music in the Political Thought of Plato and Rousseau.

    Fred writes as an editor for the Harvard International Review, and serves as an elected member of the International Relations Council Board of Directors. He is also a performing musician, and is the conductor of this year’s show at the Hasty Pudding, America’s oldest theater company.

    He is beyond excited to help make our Australia conference an incredibly fulfilling and exciting experience!

  • Abigail Mack

    Abigail is a Junior at Harvard College studying Social Studies and Philosophy. She is from Bridgewater, Massachusetts–just forty five minutes south of Harvard.

    Model UN has been a hallmark of Abigail’s time at Harvard. Abigail is the Secretary-General for HMUN India 2024. She has been on Secretariat for HMUN 2024 and HMUN India 2023. She has directed at HNMUN-LA , HMUN and HNMUN Boston, and twice at HMUN India.

    Outside of MUN, Abigail writes for the Harvard Crimson, is on the Harvard Crimson Dance Team, and documents her college journey on her TikTok account. She spent her summers interning in the U.S. Senate and working at a consulting firm in New York City. In her spare time, Abigail loves to read and travel.

  • Ellen Hwang

    Ellen Hwang is a Senior at Harvard College studying Sociology with a secondary in Integrative Biology and language citation in French. She is currently pursuing the pre-medical track. Ellen originally comes from La Habra, California.

    In her free time, Ellen loves editing videos, going to thrift stores, and cooking. Aside from Harvard Model UN and the International Relations Council, she is also involved with HACIA Democracy, an organization focused on Latin American issues.

    Ellen chaired the Legal Committee at HMUN China 2023 and is excited to be chairing SOCHUM at HMUN Australia 2024! She is truly so excited and honored to be part of this year’s conference.

  • Derek Yuan

    Derek is a Junior at Harvard College from Sacramento, the capital city of the best state, California. Last year, he served as an Assistant Director in GA and RB for HNMUN and HMUN, respectively. This year, he directed DISEC for HMUN China 2023 and HMUN Boston 2024.

    At Harvard, he studies Government and Economics with a secondary in History. Ask him about regression discontinuity design or endogenous vs. exogenous democratization.

    On campus, he analyzes youth political beliefs and voting trends for the Harvard Public Opinion Project, writes for the Arts Board of the Harvard Crimson, and sings in the Harvard Glee Club. In his free time, he enjoys squeezing out some tunes on his accordion.

  • Ada Fong

    Ada is a junior at Harvard College concentrating in Economics and Government. She is from the Bay Area, California.

    Ada started her Model UN journey as an Assistant Director of Administration for HNMUN Boston 2023 and happily returned the following year as a Director of Administration for HNMUN Boston 2024. This summer, Ada will be involved with HMUN China (her first global conference). She is excited about chairing a committee and looks forward to meeting the delegates!

    Outside of MUN, Ada enjoys music directing and performance. She also dedicates time to research on international relations and volunteering at the local homeless shelter.

  • Hannah Shin

    Hannah is a sophomore at Harvard College from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania concentrating in Government and Social Anthropology with a secondary in Economics.

    In terms of Model UN experience, Hannah directs the Special Political and Decolonization Committee for HNMUN and the Commission on the Status of Women for HNMUN Latin America. She is also a director of business for HMUN and a delegate with Harvard’s Intercollegiate Model UN travel team.

    Outside of Model UN, Hannah serves as Co-President of Harvard International Relations on Campus and Co-Director of the Harvard Undergraduate Legal Committee. She is excited to meet you all!

  • Nicolette Reale

    Nicolette is a Sophomore at Harvard College studying Government and Psychology. She is originally from Long Island, New York.

    Nicolette has been a member of Harvard Model UN for a full year now. She has previously served as an Assistant Director for HMUN 2023’s CELAC and will be a Director for IOM in the upcoming HMUN Boston 2024 Conference. Additionally, Nicolette will be serving as the Under-Secretary-General for Operations at HMUN China 2024. She is very excited to be joining the HMUN Australia team!

    Outside of academics and MUN, Nicolette enjoys writing for publications on campus such as the Harvard International Review. She also enjoys finding new music artists to listen to, traveling, and meeting people from different backgrounds.

  • Arsema Aklog

    Arsema is a Sophomore at Harvard College studying Sociology and Global Health & Health Policy with a language citation in Amharic. She is from Ethiopia and grew up in San Diego, CA.

    Arsema has been doing MUN for the past eight years. She is involved with HMUN, HNMUN, Harvard Model Congress, and the Harvard Association for Cultivating Inter-American Democracy. Currently, she works for the United Nations Development Programme in private-sector partnership development and financing for African development.

    Outside of MUN, she is involved with Harvard Global Health Institute, Harvard Eritrean & Ethiopian Student Association, and Harvard College Consulting Group. In her free time, she loves to go to the beach and cook Ethiopian food! She is thrilled to direct at HMUN Australia!

  • Nicholas Yang

    Nicholas is a sophomore at Harvard College studying Computer Science and Neuroscience. He grew up in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

    Nicholas has been involved in Model UN since freshman year of high school, and is currently serving as the Under-Secretary General of Administration for HMUN Boston 2024. He will also be directing WHO at HNMUN Boston 2024 and serving as Under-Secretary-General for Administration for HMUN China 2024.

    Outside of Model UN and academics, Nicholas helps out at the Harvard Yearbook Publications as a member of the Technology and Business board. He also enjoys coding, trying new foods, and swimming in his free time. Nicholas cannot wait to meet everyone at HMUN Australia!

  • Bautista Martinez

    Bautista is a freshman at Harvard College studying Computer Science and Government. He is from Montevideo, Uruguay.

    Bautista has participated in Model UN since middle school, having acted as delegate, director, and Secretary-General in conferences both in Uruguay and abroad. Outside of MUN, Bautista is involved in the Harvard International Review, Tech for Social Good, and Harvard Votes Challenge.

    In his free time. Beuatista enjoys swimming, reading, and traveling, having been to over fifteen countries–he is excited to add Australia to the list!