Apply to Assistant Direct

at HMUN Australia!

Interested in International Relations?

Enjoy working with high school students? Interested in public speaking or debate? Work with Harvard’s Model United Nations Conference as an Assistant Director!

As an Assistant Director, you will work alongside the Harvard Dias as they direct committee. Your role will be to help them keep track of the committee, take notes, and oversee the delegates directly. Our expectations are for you to be online with the conference for ALL committee sessions, which run from June 1st - June 4th, 2023. If you have any questions, then please reach out to us at

This form serves as the official application to serve as an Assistant Director for HMUN Australia 2023. Please note that, by submitting this form, you are not guaranteed a spot as an Assistant Director, but rather will be considered for a position. Eligible applicants will either be accepted, waitlisted, or denied.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The form will be taken offline when all available positions are filled.